Sprint Drag Carry Workout

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the new fitness test for the United States Army. It assesses a soldier’s physical readiness for combat situations. The ACFT consists of six events: deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, Sprint, Drag, Carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run.

The Sprint, Drag, Carry event combines four exercises mimicking combat tasks. Soldiers aim to finish the event quickly, involving carrying a 90-pound sled, dragging a 90-pound sled, sprinting, and lateral shuffles. This demands upper and lower body strength along with cardiovascular endurance.

The ACFT was created to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a soldier’s fitness, focusing on combat-related tasks. Unlike the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), it better prepares soldiers for combat’s physical demands and enhances overall readiness.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Understanding the Sprint Drag Carry Event

The Sprint Drag Carry event is a moderately challenging workout testing overall fitness and endurance. It combines sprinting, dragging, carrying, and crawling exercises, requiring strength, speed, and agility.

  1. Sprinting: Run as fast as possible for a distance, building endurance, speed, and agility.
  2. Dragging: Pull a weight or sled for a distance, enhancing strength, endurance, and body control.
  3. Carrying: Lift a weight or sandbag for a distance, building upper body strength, grip strength, and endurance.
  4. Crawling: Crawl on hands and knees for a distance, improving core strength, endurance, and overall body control.

This complete workout targets various muscle groups and can be modified based on individual fitness levels, providing a challenge.

Importance of Cardiovascular Endurance in Test

The Sprint Drag Carry exercise demands significant cardiovascular endurance due to its strenuous activities. This type of endurance ensures the body can sustain high-intensity efforts for an extended duration.

Cardiovascular endurance involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system distributing oxygen to muscles during the workout. It’s crucial for athletes in high-intensity sports like sprinting.

The workout, involving sprinting, sled hauling, carrying weights, and other physically challenging tasks, strains the cardiovascular system. Good endurance is vital for successfully completing the workout, preventing quick fatigue, poor performance, and increased injury risk.

Augmenting cardiovascular endurance is crucial for athletes excelling in high-intensity sports. Regular cardiovascular exercise, interval training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are effective ways to improve endurance.

Sprint Drag Carry Workout Routine

The Sprint Drag Carry Workout routine is a high-intensity exercise focusing on velocity, stamina, and overall fitness. It comprises four exercises: sprinting, dragging, carrying, and crawling, each performed for a specific distance or time based on fitness levels.

  1. 400-meter Sprint: Start with a sprint to increase blood flow and warm up muscles.
  2. Dragging: Use a sled or weight, dragging for 50 meters, emphasizing legs and core.
  3. Carrying: Carry a heavy weight for 100 meters, focusing on posture and core engagement.
  4. Crawling: Crawl for 50 meters on hands and knees, concentrating on core engagement and controlled movements.

Repeat the circuit for 3-4 rounds with breaks as needed, ideal for athletes aiming to enhance velocity, stamina, and overall fitness.

Tips to Improve Your Performance in the Sprint Drag Carry Event

The Sprint Drag Carry event tests strength, stamina, and agility. Improve your performance with these tips:

  1. Cardio Focus: Incorporate cardio exercises like running, cycling, or rowing for better cardiovascular endurance.
  2. Strength Development: Include strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, pull-ups, and push-ups for overall strength.
  3. Technique Practice: Enhance your pace and efficiency by practicing running, sled dragging, and weight carrying techniques.
  4. Interval Training: Train in intervals, mimicking the high-intensity intervals of the Sprint Drag Carry event.
  5. Proper Gear: Ensure you have the right gear, including suitable shoes, sled, and weights designed for optimal performance.

Following these suggestions can enhance your performance in the Sprint Drag Carry event, helping you achieve your fitness goals.

ACFT Calculator

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