Army ACFT Reg

Army Combat Fitness Test Regulations

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) represents the latest benchmark for assessing the physical readiness of U.S. Army soldiers, supplanting the longstanding Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) utilized since the 1980s. Positioned as a more thorough and demanding evaluation aligned with the challenges of contemporary warfare, the ACFT comprises six distinct events, each meticulously crafted to appraise diverse facets of physical fitness.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

These events encompass the three repetition maximum deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and the two-mile run. The scoring system ranges from 0 to 100 for each event, culminating in a maximum achievable score of 600.

The ACFT is obligatory for all active-duty soldiers and holds sway over eligibility for promotions and advanced training programs. A minimum passing score of 360 is imperative, with failure carrying potential repercussions for a soldier’s military trajectory.

Regulations governing the ACFT delineate specific criteria for testing procedures, equipment, and scoring. For instance, the deadlift mandates the use of a hex bar with weights meeting precise standards, and all events necessitate oversight by trained personnel. The regulations also offer guidance on accommodating soldiers with physical limitations or injuries.

In essence, the ACFT emerges as a pivotal instrument for assessing the physical preparedness of U.S. Army soldiers. It is imperative for soldiers to comprehend the requisites and anticipations associated with the ACFT, aligning with the overarching ethos of fostering fitness and career advancement within the military.

Differences Between ACFT and Previous Army Physical Fitness Test APFT

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) stands as the fresh benchmark for evaluating the physical prowess of the United States Army, supplanting its forerunner, the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Key distinctions between the ACFT and the APFT include:

  1. Testing Components: While the APFT comprised three events, the ACFT broadens the spectrum with six events, including the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint/drag/carry, leg tuck, and a two-mile run. The APFT was confined to push-ups, sit-ups, and a two-mile run.
  2. Scoring: The ACFT adopts a 600-point scale, necessitating a minimum passing score of 360. In contrast, the APFT adhered to a 300-point scale, with a minimum passing score of 180.
  3. Equipment: Uniquely, the ACFT demands specific equipment, such as a hex bar for the deadlift and a medicine ball for the standing power throw. The APFT did not necessitate any equipment.
  4. Gender-Neutral: Unlike the APFT, the ACFT is gender-neutral, mandating all soldiers to undertake the same events regardless of gender. The APFT maintained distinct standards for male and female soldiers.
  5. Age-Neutral: The ACFT dispenses with age-specific standards, requiring all soldiers to meet identical benchmarks irrespective of age. Conversely, the APFT tailored its standards according to soldiers’ age.

In summation, the ACFT stands as a more exhaustive and demanding evaluation compared to the APFT, strategically positioned to prepare soldiers for the rigors of combat and ascertain their physical aptitude for the challenges inherent in their roles.

Events Included in the ACFT and Their Scoring Standards

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) stands out as a meticulously designed evaluation, transcending conventional physical fitness assessments. Encompassing six events calibrated to scrutinize a soldier’s strength, endurance, and mobility, each event’s score hinges on repetitions completed or time taken. The six events, along with their scoring standards, are elucidated below:

  1. Three Repetition Maximum Deadlift (3RM DL): This event assesses lower body strength and power, with the score anchored in the maximum weight lifted for three repetitions. The minimum passing score stands at 140 pounds.
  2. Standing Power Throw (SPT): Measuring explosive power and upper body strength, the SPT score correlates with the distance thrown, necessitating a minimum passing score of 4.5 meters.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Up (HRPU): Evaluating upper body muscular endurance, the HRPU score corresponds to the number of repetitions completed in two minutes, with a minimum passing score of 10 repetitions.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC): Gauging speed, agility, and muscular endurance, the SDC score is contingent on the time taken to complete the event, with a minimum passing score of 1 minute and 33 seconds.
  5. Leg Tuck (LTK): Focusing on core strength and endurance, the LTK score aligns with the number of repetitions completed, necessitating a minimum passing score of 1 repetition.
  6. Two-Mile Run (2MR): This event evaluates cardiovascular endurance, with the score grounded in the time taken to complete the run. The minimum passing score stands at 21 minutes and 7 seconds for male soldiers and 24 minutes and 36 seconds for female soldiers.

In conclusion, the ACFT encompasses six events, each meticulously designed to gauge a soldier’s comprehensive physical fitness. Adhering to specific standards, achieving the minimum passing score in each event is imperative for overall success on the ACFT. The Army’s adoption of the ACFT underscores its commitment to fostering a culture of fitness and readiness among its soldiers.

Implementation Plan for the ACFT in the Army

The implementation plan for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) constitutes a pivotal strategy to ensure that all soldiers are adequately prepared for the physical demands of modern warfare. This plan delineates the sequential steps the Army will undertake to deploy the ACFT universally, guaranteeing consistent training and testing based on new standards.

Initiating the plan involves imparting comprehensive training to all soldiers, encompassing every facet of the ACFT, facilitated by qualified instructors with specialized training. Subsequently, a pilot program is conducted across diverse units, utilizing a soldier sample from each unit to test and refine standards and procedures.

Upon completion of the pilot program, the ACFT is systematically introduced across all units. This encompasses an extensive training program for soldiers and the establishment of testing centers at each unit. These testing centers are manned by trained personnel proficient in ACFT administration, ensuring adherence to the new standards.

Simultaneously, a robust tracking system is implemented to monitor individual soldier and unit progress. This entails meticulous data collection on ACFT performance and overall physical fitness, serving as a diagnostic tool to identify areas for further training or adjustments.

In essence, the implementation plan for the ACFT signifies the Army’s commitment to fortifying the physical readiness of all soldiers. Through a phased approach, inclusive of training, pilot programs, and comprehensive tracking, the Army aims to guarantee uniformity in preparation and testing, fostering an agile and physically capable fighting force.

Training and Preparation Tips for the ACFT

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) stands as a formidable physical challenge, demanding substantial strength, endurance, and agility. Effectively preparing for the ACFT necessitates a strategic approach. Here are salient training and preparation tips:

  1. Incorporate a Variety of Exercises: Given the diverse nature of the six ACFT events, diversify your training routine. Include weightlifting, plyometrics, calisthenics, and cardiovascular exercises to prepare for the spectrum of challenges.
  2. Focus on Strength Training: Prioritize strength training, especially for events like the deadlift and leg tuck. Exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, and pull-ups can significantly enhance strength.
  3. Improve Cardiovascular Fitness: Given the significance of the 2-mile run, enhance cardiovascular fitness through regular running and other endurance exercises.
  4. Practice the Events: Regularly practice the specific events included in the ACFT to refine technique and build confidence.
  5. Prioritize Rest and Recovery: Allow sufficient time for rest and recovery to promote strength and endurance gains. A good night’s sleep is crucial, and adequate recovery between workouts is imperative.
  6. Follow a Balanced Diet: Support your workouts with a nutritious and balanced diet. Prioritize protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to fuel your training and overall fitness.

In adherence to these training tips, one can elevate their performance on the ACFT, aligning with personal fitness goals. Commence training gradually to avoid injuries, and with sustained dedication, success on the ACFT and in one’s military journey becomes attainable.

ACFT Calculator

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