ACFT Scorecard – Army Combat Fitness Test

The inception of the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) in 2018 marked a transformative shift, replacing the erstwhile Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Crafted by the United States Army, the ACFT serves as a litmus test for a soldier’s physical preparedness and aptitude in executing tasks integral to their role.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Comprising six distinct events, the ACFT is a crucible evaluating strength, endurance, and mobility. From the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, to the two-mile run, each event contributes to a cumulative score on a 100-point scale, culminating in a maximum possible score of 600.

Delineating specific facets of physical prowess, the deadlift scrutinizes lower body strength, the standing power throw gauges upper body power, and the hand-release push-up assesses upper body endurance. The sprint-drag-carry event is a multifaceted measure of overall strength and endurance, while the leg tuck evaluates core strength and endurance. The two-mile run serves as a litmus test for cardiovascular endurance.

Noteworthy is the ACFT’s commitment to gender and age neutrality, a departure from the prior APFT, ensuring uniform standards for all soldiers. The ACFT’s elevated rigor positions it as a more exacting assessment, tailored to fortify soldiers for the rigors of their occupational demands, pushing them to the limits of their physical capabilities.

In conclusion, the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) stands as a robust evaluation of a soldier’s physical readiness and job-specific capabilities. Embracing six diverse events and maintaining a gender- and age-neutral stance, the ACFT surpasses its predecessor, the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), in preparing soldiers for the exigencies of their roles.

What is on the Army ACFT scorecard?

The Army ACFT scorecard serves as a comprehensive dossier, delineating an individual’s performance across the six events of the Army Combat Fitness Test. This document comprises six main sections, each meticulously designed to gauge specific aspects of physical fitness:

  1. Strength Deadlift: Assessing maximum weightlifting capacity with a hexagonal bar, scored based on the lifted weight in pounds.
  2. Standing Power Throw: Gauging explosive power by propelling a 10-pound medicine ball as far as possible, with the score based on the thrown distance in feet.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Ups: Evaluating upper body strength and endurance through a two-minute session of push-ups, scored based on the number of repetitions completed.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry: Measuring speed, strength, and endurance through a series of exercises involving sprinting, dragging, and carrying weights. Scored based on the time taken to complete the exercises.
  5. Leg Tuck: Assessing core strength through a hanging leg tuck, with the score grounded in the number of repetitions completed.
  6. Two-Mile Run: Evaluating cardiovascular endurance through a two-mile run, with the score based on the time taken to complete the run.

The ACFT scorecard furnishes a holistic overview of an individual’s physical fitness, enabling the identification of areas for improvement and the tracking of progress over time.

How is the Army ACFT Scorecard Scored?

The Army ACFT Scorecard adheres to a meticulous scoring system, grounded in the individual’s performance across the six events. Each event carries a maximum score of 100 points, culminating in a total potential score of 600 points.

To derive scores for each event, a standardized scoring table is employed, considering factors such as the individual’s gender, age, and the achieved repetitions or distance for each specific event. For example, in the deadlift event, the score hinges on the maximum weight lifted for three repetitions, with a higher lifted weight translating to a higher score.

Beyond individual event scores, the scorecard introduces three performance categories: Black, Gray, and Gold. These categories, based on the total score, offer an overarching assessment of the individual’s fitness level.

A Black performance, ranging from 540 to 600 points, signifies a high level of fitness. A Gray performance, scoring between 450 and 539 points, indicates a moderate level of fitness. Achieving a Gold performance, falling within 360 to 449 points, denotes a basic level of fitness.

Crucially, the ACFT operates on a pass/fail basis, necessitating a minimum score of 360 points for success. Nevertheless, surpassing this threshold can unlock enhanced career opportunities and heightened physical fitness.

ACFT Scorecard Standards for Each Event

The Army ACFT Scorecard unveils standardized benchmarks, delineating the performance expectations for each event in the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). Adhering to these benchmarks is imperative to secure the maximum possible score.

  1. Deadlift: The deadlift event, gauging lower body strength, mandates lifting 340 pounds for three repetitions to attain the maximum score of 100 points.
  2. Standing Power Throw: This event, measuring upper body power, necessitates throwing a 10-pound medicine ball a distance of 12.5 meters for a perfect score of 100 points.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Up: Evaluating upper body endurance, this event requires completing 70 push-ups within two minutes for a full score of 100 points.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry: Measuring total body strength and endurance, a soldier must complete the series of exercises in 1 minute and 33 seconds to achieve the maximum score of 100 points.
  1. Leg Tuck: Focusing on core strength, this event mandates completing 20 repetitions to secure the maximum score of 100 points.
  2. Two-Mile Run: The event evaluating aerobic and muscular endurance demands completing the run in 13 minutes and 30 seconds for a perfect score of 100 points.

Adhering to these ACFT Scorecard Standards is imperative for soldiers to meet or exceed expectations and secure the maximum possible score.

Strategies for Improving Your ACFT Scorecard Results

Enhancing one’s ACFT scorecard results requires strategic planning and consistent effort. Implementing the following strategies can contribute to improved performance:

  1. Train Regularly: Consistent training targeted at each ACFT event fosters better results. Develop a comprehensive training plan encompassing strength, endurance, speed, and agility exercises.
  2. Practice Proper Form: Mastery of proper form in each event is crucial. Regular practice ensures correct execution, reducing the risk of injury and optimizing scores.
  3. Focus on Weaknesses: Identify and prioritize improvement in areas of weakness. Tailor training exercises to address specific challenges, such as core-focused workouts for better leg tuck performance.
  4. Use Proper Equipment: Access to appropriate equipment for each event is vital. Improper equipment can hinder performance, emphasizing the importance of familiarity and comfort.
  5. Get Adequate Rest and Recovery: Optimal performance hinges on sufficient rest and recovery. Prioritize sleep, maintain a healthy diet, and allow adequate time for recuperation between workouts.
  6. Work on Mental Toughness: Cultivate a resilient and determined mindset. Mental toughness is pivotal during the challenges posed by the ACFT. Maintain a positive outlook and motivation in the face of obstacles.

By incorporating these strategies, individuals can witness tangible improvements in their ACFT scorecard results, bringing them closer to achieving their fitness goals. Patience, consistency, and a commitment to continual improvement form the cornerstone of success.

ACFT Calculator

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