ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a test that checks how strong, enduring, and fit soldiers in the United States Army are. The usual ACFT has six activities: the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and a two-mile run. But sometimes, soldiers can’t do some activities because of injuries or physical limits.

To help these soldiers, there’s the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event. This event lets soldiers swap one standard activity with an alternate one that suits them better. The choices for alternate events include the rowing machine, stationary bike, or swimming.

Soldiers get scores for the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event just like the normal ACFT activities, with a top score of 100 points for each activity. Soldiers can pick the same alternate event for all six standard activities or choose different ones.

It’s important to know that soldiers need approval from their commanders and a medical professional to do the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event. Also, soldiers doing the alternate event won’t qualify for the ACFT award or the Expert Soldier Badge.

In summary, the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event is a helpful choice for soldiers who can’t do the standard activities due to injuries or physical limits. This way, the Army makes sure all soldiers get a chance to show how fit they are and contribute to the mission.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Understanding the ACFT Score Chart

The ACFT score chart helps soldiers understand how well they did on the Army Combat Fitness Test. The chart explains how each activity’s performance turns into a score, which then decides the overall fitness level.

The chart divides each activity into four groups: below average, average, above average, and maximum. Soldiers get scores based on how well they did in each group, and higher scores mean better performance. Adding up scores from all activities gives the soldier’s total ACFT score.

It’s crucial to know that the scoring rules for each activity are based on the physical demands of regular combat tasks. This means the activities measure a soldier’s ability to do physical tasks needed for their military job. For example, the leg tuck activity checks a soldier’s ability to climb over things and carry heavy stuff.

The Acft score chart helps soldiers track progress and find areas to improve. By understanding the scoring rules and performance groups, soldiers can set realistic goals and work towards them. With regular training and practice, soldiers can boost their scores and show they are ready for the physical challenges of combat.

Benefits and Drawbacks of the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event


  1. Increased diversity: The ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event brings new ways to evaluate fitness, making the assessment more diverse.
  2. Tailoring: This alternate event allows customization, helping those with physical limits perform better.
  3. Fairness: It ensures everyone has an equal chance to show their physical abilities, no matter their body type or limits.
  4. Confidence boosting: The alternate event can boost confidence for those who find the standard ACFT challenging.


  1. Lack of uniformity: The ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event lacks consistency, making it hard to compare scores among different people.
  2. Possibility of misuse: Some people might use the alternate event to boost scores unfairly, affecting the exam’s credibility.
  3. Complexity: The alternate event adds complexity to an already complex exam, making it harder to conduct and score accurately.
  4. Insufficient research: There’s not enough research on how well the alternate event predicts job performance, limiting its usefulness in certain situations.

How to Train for the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event

If you want to improve your ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event result, it’s important to train specifically for it. Here are some tips to help you train effectively:

  1. Focus on core workouts: The alternate event requires a lot of core strength, so concentrate on exercises for your abs, obliques, and lower back. Planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists are great choices.
  2. Include explosive motions: The alternate event also needs explosive power, so include exercises that enhance this kind of strength. Box jumps, medicine ball slams, and plyometric push-ups are effective choices.
  3. Train your grip strength: Grip strength is crucial for the alternate event, so include exercises that test your grip. Farmer’s walks, pull-ups, and deadlifts are excellent choices.
  4. Do specific training drills: To excel at the alternate event, practice the specific movements it requires. This includes practicing the medicine ball throw and the hand-release push-up.
  5. Train for stamina: The ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event is timed, so you need to maintain your strength and power throughout. Running, rowing, and cycling are good choices for building stamina.

By following these tips and training consistently, you can improve your performance on the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event and increase your overall ACFT score.

Implementing the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event in Your Fitness Routine

Now that you know about the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event, here are steps to add it to your fitness routine:

  1. Understand the requirements: Know what the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event needs before trying it, so you can prepare mentally and physically.
  2. Warm-up: Like any exercise, warm up before the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event to get your muscles ready and avoid injuries.
  3. Practice the event: Regularly practice the event to improve your technique and build endurance. Start slowly and step by step increase your speed and intensity.
  4. Include the event in your routine: Once you feel comfortable, add the event to your routine. You can do it as a standalone workout or part of a circuit training routine.
  5. Track progress: Keep track of your times and reps to monitor improvement over time.
  6. Challenge yourself: As you get better, challenge yourself by increasing weight or decreasing rest time between sets.

By following these steps, you can successfully add the ACFT Score Chart Alternate Event to your fitness routine and enhance your overall fitness level.

ACFT Calculator

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