Sprint Drag Carry Weight

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a new fitness test introduced in 2020 to replace the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Its purpose is to better evaluate a soldier’s overall physical fitness and readiness for combat. The ACFT consists of six events: deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, Sprint, Drag, Carry, leg tuck, and a two-mile run.

The Sprint, Drag, Carry event, the fourth in the ACFT, evaluates a soldier’s ability to move quickly and efficiently while carrying weight. This event involves completing four tasks: sprinting, dragging a 90-pound sled, carrying two 40-pound kettlebells, and sprinting again. The soldier is timed, and the total time is recorded, with different time allowances based on age and gender.

Designed to simulate combat’s physical demands, this event requires a blend of speed, strength, and endurance, presenting a challenge even for the most physically fit soldiers.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

The Importance of Sprinting, Dragging, Carrying, and Weightlifting in Combat

Sprinting, dragging, carrying, and weightlifting are vital components of combat training, fostering the physical strength, endurance, and resilience essential for effective field performance.

  • Sprinting: An essential exercise, mirroring the need for swift and decisive movements in battle. Soldiers must sprint for cover, evade enemy fire, or launch surprise attacks. Sprinting also improves cardiovascular health, crucial for endurance during prolonged physical activity.
  • Dragging: Simulates the need to move wounded soldiers or equipment in combat. This exercise builds upper body, core, and leg strength, vital for physically demanding tasks.
  • Carrying: Frequent in combat, soldiers often need to carry heavy equipment or supplies over long distances, requiring significant physical strength and endurance. This exercise enhances leg and core strength, improving overall cardiovascular health.
  • Weightlifting: Critical for building overall strength and muscle mass, essential for demanding tasks in the field. Weightlifting also enhances bone density, vital for injury prevention in combat.

In conclusion, these exercises are indispensable for developing the physical strength, endurance, and resilience necessary for effective field performance. Integrating them into training enhances overall fitness, increasing success chances in combat situations.

Techniques for Improving Sprinting, Dragging, Carrying, and Weightlifting Abilities

To boost Sprinting, Dragging, Carrying, and Weightlifting abilities, incorporate effective techniques into your workout routine:

  1. Plyometrics: Include explosive movements like box jumps, jump squats, and explosive push-ups to enhance power and speed for better sprinting and jumping.
  2. Resistance Training: Develop strength and power crucial for these activities. Add squats, deadlifts, lunges, and bench presses to build muscle and overall strength.
  3. Interval Training: Alternating high-intensity exercises with rest boosts endurance and speed, vital for sprinting, dragging, and carrying.
  4. Grip Strength Training: Improve grip strength with exercises like farmer’s walks, plate pinches, and grip trainers, essential for carrying and weightlifting.
  5. Proper Technique: Collaborate with a coach or trainer to ensure proper form and technique, preventing injury and enhancing overall performance.

By incorporating these techniques, you can elevate your abilities in Sprinting, Dragging, Carrying, and Weightlifting, becoming a more well-rounded athlete.

How to Train for the Sprint Drag Carry Weight Event in Army Combat Fitness Test

Prepare for the Sprint Drag Carry Weight event in the Army Combat Fitness Test with these training tips:

  1. Enhance Cardio: Improve endurance and speed, essential for the event, by adding running, cycling, or swimming to your routine at least three to four times a week.
  2. Strengthen Body: As the event involves carrying a weighted sled, focus on resistance training exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and bench presses to increase strength.
  3. Practice the Event: Regularly practice the event to get accustomed to the weight and movements involved. Create a course that mimics the event and work on carrying, dragging, and sprinting with the sled.
  4. Improve Agility: Since the event requires quick direction changes, enhance agility with exercises like ladder drills, cone drills, and plyometrics.
  5. Focus on Technique: Concentrate on proper technique during the event, practicing correct positions for carrying the sled, dragging, and maintaining good running posture. Efficient technique leads to better performance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Training for Sprint Drag Carry Weight Event

When training for the Sprint Drag Carry Weight event, steer clear of these common mistakes that can hinder performance and increase injury risks:

  1. Neglecting Cardiovascular Training: Include cardio exercises to sustain the high intensity needed for the event.
  2. Skipping Strength Training: Incorporate strength training for upper body, lower body, and core strength to avoid poor performance and injury.
  3. Not Practicing Technique: Regularly practice proper form and technique to avoid inefficient movement patterns and slower times.
  4. Overtraining: Include rest days in your training schedule to prevent burnout and injuries.
  5. Ignoring Proper Nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet with enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to fuel your performance and prevent injuries.

Avoiding these mistakes can enhance your performance in the Sprint Drag Carry Weight event and reduce the risk of injury.

ACFT Calculator

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