ACFT Sprint Drag Carry – Army Combat Fitness Test

The ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) Sprint Drag Carry is a recent addition to the U.S. Army’s physical fitness test. It assesses the strength, speed, agility, and endurance of soldiers through four tasks: sprinting, dragging, carrying, and a final sprint.

In the first task, soldiers run 50 meters as fast as possible. The second task involves dragging two 90-pound sleds for 50 meters. The third task requires soldiers to carry two 40-pound kettlebells for 50 meters. The test concludes with a final sprint covering another 50 meters.

Sprint Drag Carry
ACFT Sprint Drag Carry – Army Combat Fitness Test

The Sprint Drag Carry is a timed test, allowing soldiers a maximum of 2 minutes and 45 seconds to complete all four tasks. It is a pass/fail evaluation, requiring soldiers to finish within the specified time to pass.

This test aims to assess a soldier’s ability to perform physically demanding tasks commonly encountered in real-world combat situations. By evaluating sprinting, dragging, and carrying heavy weights, the Army ensures soldiers are physically fit and capable of fulfilling their duties.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Enhancing Sprinting Speed and Endurance Techniques

To improve your performance in the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry event, consider these techniques for boosting sprinting speed and endurance:

  1. Interval Training: Alternate between high-intensity exercise and rest to enhance both speed and endurance.
  2. Hill Sprints: Running uphill builds leg strength and power, crucial for faster sprints.
  3. Plyometric Exercises: Incorporate jump squats, box jumps, and burpees to improve explosive power.
  4. Core Work: Strengthen your core with exercises like planks and sit-ups for better form and efficient movement.
  5. Proper Technique: Focus on correct sprinting technique, including a slight forward lean, driving knees and arms forward, and landing on the balls of your feet.

Strategies for Dragging and Carrying Heavy Weights

Effectively completing the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry requires specific strategies for dragging and carrying heavy loads:

  1. Utilize Your Legs: Bend your knees and use your glutes to generate power when dragging or carrying heavy weights.
  2. Maintain Low Center of Gravity: Keep your center of gravity low for better balance and stability.
  3. Use Your Body Weight: Lean into the drag or carry, leveraging your body weight to move the load more efficiently.
  4. Take Brief Breaks: If fatigued, take short breaks to recover, conserving energy.
  5. Practice Good Posture: Maintain a straight back to avoid injuries and improve performance.
  6. Use Proper Equipment: Utilize gloves or straps for better grip and reduced injury risk.

Following these strategies enhances speed and efficiency during the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry event.

Preparing for the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry

Effective preparation is crucial for performing well in the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry. Consider the following tips:

  1. Train for Endurance: Incorporate running, jogging, and cardio exercises to build stamina.
  2. Focus on Strength Training: Include push-ups, pull-ups, and planks to strengthen upper body and core.
  3. Practice Carrying Weights: Train with weights over various distances to improve comfort and technique.
  4. Wear the Right Shoes: Choose supportive running shoes for the extensive running involved.
  5. Practice Proper Form: Master proper running form and weight-carrying techniques for optimal performance.

These tips prepare soldiers for the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry, increasing the likelihood of success on test day.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During ACFT Sprint Drag Carry Test

While the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry is demanding, avoiding common mistakes is essential for optimal performance and injury prevention. Here are most common mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Neglecting Proper Form: Practice and maintain low center of gravity, straight back, and leg engagement to avoid injury and ensure a faster time.
  2. Unregulated Pace: Find a suitable pace to conserve energy and prevent exhaustion throughout the timed test.
  3. Underutilizing Legs: Engage leg strength in all movements, including sprinting, dragging, and carrying.
  4. Inappropriate Footwear: Wear supportive footwear to withstand the high-impact activity and enhance performance.
  5. Inadequate Hydration: Stay hydrated to avoid fatigue, cramps, and slow reflexes that can impact performance.

By avoiding these common errors, soldiers can enhance their performance and increase the likelihood of passing the ACFT Sprint Drag Carry test, ensuring a successful outcome.

ACFT Calculator

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