ACFT Rower Standards – Army Combat Fitness Test

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) serves as a robust evaluation tool designed to gauge the physical readiness of soldiers in the United States Army. This comprehensive test delves into a soldier’s strength, endurance, and mobility, aiming to enhance their preparedness for the physical demands inherent in combat.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Comprising six distinct events – the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run – the ACFT meticulously assesses various facets of physical fitness. Each event targets a specific aspect, and successful completion of all events is imperative for an overall test pass.

For instance, the deadlift scrutinizes lower body strength, while the standing power throw focuses on upper body power. The hand-release push-up assesses upper body endurance, and the sprint-drag-carry evaluates speed, agility, and anaerobic endurance. Furthermore, the leg tuck gauges core strength, while the two-mile run measures aerobic endurance.

Replacing the former Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the ACFT stands out by aligning with the true physical demands of combat. Notably, it adheres to a gender-neutral approach, holding both male and female soldiers to identical standards across all events.

In summary, the ACFT stands as a holistic and demanding evaluation, ensuring a soldier’s physical readiness for the challenges of modern warfare through its emphasis on strength, endurance, and mobility.

Importance of Rower Standards in ACFT

Integral to the Army’s physical readiness program, the ACFT includes six pivotal events, among them the challenging rower segment. This event requires participants to exert maximal effort for two minutes, evaluating both muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness – critical components for combat readiness.

To maintain fairness and consistency in the rower event, the Army has implemented specific rower standards. These standards outline the minimum requirements for a soldier to pass the ACFT rower event, offering guidance on proper rowing technique to prevent injuries and optimize performance.

Undoubtedly, the significance of rower standards in the ACFT cannot be overstated. They establish an objective measure of a soldier’s rowing ability, ensuring scoring consistency and upholding the overall credibility of the ACFT. Beyond fairness, these standards prioritize safety by offering clear guidelines on proper rowing form to minimize the risk of injuries, especially to the lower back.

In conclusion, rower standards play a pivotal role in the ACFT, promoting fairness, consistency, and safety. They guarantee that all soldiers are held to the same performance standards, contributing to the ACFT’s reliability as a measure of physical readiness.

ACFT Rower Standards for Men and Women

The ACFT Rower stands as a crucial component of the Army Combat Fitness Test, demanding adherence to specific standards for both men and women:


  • Pass Repetitions: 40
  • Maximum Score Repetitions: 80
  • Standards Range Based on Age: 40-82 repetitions


  • Pass Repetitions: 30
  • Maximum Score Repetitions: 80
  • Standards Range Based on Age: 30-71 repetitions

Adherence to these standards is vital for maintaining physical fitness and combat readiness. Regular practice of rowing exercises becomes instrumental in enhancing stamina and endurance, facilitating achievement of desired ACFT Rower scores.

Tips for Improving ACFT Rower Performance

If individuals seek improvement in their ACFT Rower performance, incorporating the following tips can be beneficial:

  1. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice, at least 3-4 times a week, gradually increasing intensity and duration, is key to performance enhancement.
  2. Focus on Technique: Prioritize proper rowing technique to ensure efficiency. Correct form engages all muscles effectively, enabling longer and faster rows with minimal effort.
  3. Gradual Resistance Increase: Begin with low resistance and gradually escalate to build endurance and enhance overall performance.
  4. Incorporate Other Exercises: While rowing offers a comprehensive workout, mixing in other exercises such as strength training and cardio contributes to improved endurance and overall fitness.
  5. Monitor Progress: Keep a record of time, distance, and resistance levels to track progress, set goals, and measure improvement over time.

By following these tips, individuals can enhance their ACFT Rower performance and effectively work towards achieving their fitness goals.

ACFT Calculator

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