ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight – Army Combat Fitness Test

The ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight is a crucial part of the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). This weight sets the standard for the deadlift event, and it is fixed at 335 pounds, which is the maximum weight a soldier must lift during the event.

It’s important to know that the ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight is different from a standard Olympic barbell. The ACFT Deadlift Bar is longer, heavier, and more flexible than a regular bar. Its added thickness makes gripping more challenging, and the extra flex adds difficulty to the lift.

The bar’s weight is evenly distributed, with the center at the precise height of the soldier’s mid-shin. This distribution ensures the lift is done correctly, raising the weight in a straight line.

Soldiers must use proper form and technique during the deadlift event. Incorrect form can lead to injury and disqualification. Maintaining a straight back, engaging the core, and lifting with the legs instead of the back is crucial. Using a mixed grip, one hand overhand and the other underhand, prevents the bar from slipping.

In conclusion, the ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight is set at 335 pounds and differs from a standard Olympic barbell. Proper form, technique, and a mixed grip are crucial during the deadlift event. Understanding the ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight helps soldiers prepare correctly and improve their overall ACFT score.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

How to Get Ready for the ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight

Preparing for the ACFT deadlift bar weight is crucial for success in this part of the test. Here are some tips to get ready:

  1. Practice Correct Deadlift Technique: Ensure you use proper deadlift form, including a straight back, hinging at the hips, and engaging glutes and hamstrings.
  2. Gradually Increase Weight: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase to simulate the ACFT test’s progression, building strength and endurance.
  3. Incorporate Strength Training: Include exercises targeting lower body muscles, like squats and lunges, for overall strength and improved deadlift performance.
  4. Focus on Grip Strength: Since grip strength is vital, include grip-targeted exercises such as farmer’s walks and grip strengtheners.
  5. Get Enough Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest and recovery are essential for strength-building and injury prevention. Ensure proper time between workouts and prioritize sleep and nutrition.

By following these tips, you can prepare for the ACFT deadlift bar weight and perform well on this part of the test.

ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight Standards and Requirements

Understanding the ACFT deadlift bar weight standards and requirements is crucial for individuals preparing for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). The deadlift event, one of the six ACFT components, requires lifting a specific weight based on gender and weight category.

For males, deadlift weight ranges from 135 to 345 pounds based on weight categories. Females have deadlift weight requirements from 125 to 250 pounds. The ACFT deadlift bar must meet specific standards, being a 20-kilogram (44-pound) Olympic bar with a 25-millimeter diameter and a minimum length of 2.3 meters (7.22 feet).

Participants must ensure using the correct bar and weight for their category to avoid disqualification or injury. Proper form and technique during the deadlift event are essential for success.

In conclusion, comprehending the ACFT deadlift bar weight standards is vital for ACFT preparation. Using the right weight and bar, along with proper form, ensures successful completion of the deadlift event.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight

When dealing with the ACFT deadlift bar weight, people often make mistakes. Here are some common ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight mistakes to avoid:

  1. Lifting Too Much Weight: Use the correct weight for your fitness level to prevent injury and muscle damage.
  2. Using Improper Form: Employ proper form, including a straight back, bent knees, and keeping the weight close to your body, to avoid back injuries.
  3. Skipping Warm-Up: Warm-up before lifting heavy weights, including the ACFT deadlift bar weight, to prevent injury and prepare muscles.
  4. Neglecting Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest is crucial for building strength and avoiding overtraining. Prioritize recovery to prevent burnout.
  5. Not Seeking Professional Guidance: If new to lifting or uncertain about proper form, seek guidance from a professional trainer to avoid mistakes and ensure correct technique.

Tips to Improve Your ACFT Deadlift Bar Weight Performance

To enhance your ACFT deadlift bar weight performance, consider these tips:

  1. Train Grip Strength: Since the ACFT deadlift bar is thicker, include exercises targeting grip strength, like farmer’s carries or plate pinches.
  2. Focus on Form: Proper form is essential for lifting heavy weights safely. Engage glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles, keeping your back straight and shoulders pulled back.
  3. Build Leg Strength: Target quads, hamstrings, and glutes with exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlift variations.
  4. Practice with ACFT Bar: Train with the ACFT deadlift bar when possible to understand its feel and how your body responds.
  5. Gradually Increase Weight: Avoid lifting your maximum weight immediately. Gradually increase weight to build strength and track progress.

Following these tips can improve your ACFT deadlift bar weight performance and help you reach your fitness goals.

ACFT Calculator

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