How To Train For Sprint Drag Carry

The Sprint Drag Carry event is a challenging obstacle course designed to evaluate athletes’ power, velocity, and stamina. It consists of four consecutive tasks, each demanding specific skills.

The first task is a sprint covering 50 yards, requiring explosive speed and excellent cardiovascular endurance.

The second task involves dragging a heavy sled over 50 yards, demanding brute power and muscular stamina.

The third task requires carrying two heavy kettlebells over 50 yards, necessitating a mix of upper body strength, core stability, and grip strength.

The final task is another sprint, similar to the first, requiring athletes to summon their last energy and sprint to the finish line.

To prepare for this event, athletes should focus on developing power, velocity, and stamina in each area. This may involve a mix of weightlifting, high-intensity interval training, and other cardio exercises.

Athletes should also enhance grip strength and core stability, crucial for completing the carry task. Exercises like farmer’s walks, planks, and hanging leg raises can be beneficial.

In summary, the Sprint Drag Carry event is a challenging obstacle course that demands athletes to be at their best. Understanding the requirements of each task and training accordingly can lead to success on race day.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Preparing Your Body for Sprint Drag Carry

Before taking on the challenging Sprint Drag Carry, it’s crucial to ensure your body is ready for this demanding exercise. Here are tips to prepare your body for Sprint Drag Carry:

  1. Warm-up: Begin with a proper warm-up routine, including dynamic stretching and light cardio exercises, to prepare your muscles for the workout.
  2. Strengthen your core: Focus on building core strength through exercises like planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists, as the Sprint Drag Carry requires significant core engagement.
  3. Build endurance: Since the event is high-intensity, incorporate cardio exercises like running, cycling, or rowing into your routine to enhance stamina and endurance.
  4. Practice proper form: To prevent injuries and maximize benefits, practice the exercise with lighter weights initially, focusing on proper form before moving to heavier weights.
  5. Rest and recover: Allow your body to rest and recover after each workout to avoid overtraining and injury. Ensure adequate sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and stay hydrated.

Following these tips helps prepare your body for the Sprint Drag Carry, improving overall performance. Start gradually, increase workout intensity, and avoid injuries for optimal results.

Drills and Exercises to Improve Your Performance

To enhance your performance in the Sprint Drag Carry, focus on improving speed, strength, and endurance with specific drills and exercises:

  1. Sprint Drills:
    • Hill Sprints: Sprint up a steep hill to improve power and speed.
    • Sled Drags: Attach a weight sled and sprint forward to enhance acceleration and leg strength.
    • Plyometrics: Include exercises like box jumps and jump squats to improve explosive power and speed.
  2. Strength Training:
    • Deadlifts: Targeting glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, deadlifts build overall strength and power.
    • Squats: Strengthen quads, hamstrings, and glutes, vital for carrying heavy weights.
    • Overhead Press: Strengthen upper body for tasks like carrying sandbags.
  3. Endurance Training:
    • Running: Improve endurance and cardiovascular health with long-distance running.
    • Rowing: Enhance endurance and overall fitness with low-impact rowing.
    • Interval Training: Integrate sprint intervals and shuttle runs for improved speed and endurance.

Incorporating these drills into your routine helps enhance speed, strength, and endurance, contributing to better performance in the Sprint Drag Carry competition.

Tips for Succeeding in Sprint Drag Carry

Succeeding in the challenging Sprint Drag Carry requires a combination of speed, strength, and endurance. Follow these tips for success:

  1. Build your strength: Focus on weight training exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and planks to develop essential muscles for carrying heavy objects while running.
  2. Enhance cardiovascular fitness: Improve cardiovascular health by incorporating running, cycling, or rowing into your routine. Use interval training to boost speed and endurance.
  3. Practice proper technique: To prevent injuries and perform well, ensure you know the correct way to pick up and carry objects. Practice running with weights to adjust to the weight and balance.
  4. Train on different surfaces: Since the Sprint Drag Carry can occur on various surfaces, such as grass, sand, or concrete, train on different terrains to adapt your technique accordingly.
  5. Stay hydrated and fueled: Maintain hydration and proper nutrition during training and on the event day. Drink enough water and consume a balanced diet for optimal energy levels.
  6. Train under pressure: Since the Sprint Drag Carry is a timed event, practice with a stopwatch or a partner timing you to simulate event pressure and improve performance.

Incorporating Sprint Drag Carry into Your Training Plan

Deciding to include the Sprint Drag Carry in your training plan is a commendable choice for building power, stamina, and mental resilience. Here are tips to incorporate it effectively:

  1. Start slow: If new to the Sprint Drag Carry, begin with a slow walk or jog, gradually increasing the pace as you become comfortable with the movement.
  2. Focus on form: Proper form is critical for this exercise. Maintain a straight back, engaged core, and coordinated movement of arms and legs.
  3. Use the right equipment: Ensure you have a sled or appropriate weight and a sturdy rope or strap in good condition for dragging.
  4. Mix it up: Don’t perform the Sprint Drag Carry daily. Include it once or twice a week, alternating with other exercises to prevent overtraining.
  5. Set goals: Establish specific objectives, whether completing the course in a specific time or carrying a heavier weight. Work towards these goals for effective training.

By integrating the Sprint Drag Carry into your plan, you’ll build power, stamina, and mental resilience. Begin slowly, prioritize form, use suitable equipment, vary your routine, and set achievable goals for a successful training journey. Best of luck!

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