ACFT Standards Score Chart

The ACFT, or Army Combat Fitness Test, is a new fitness test that has replaced the old Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). It checks how ready a soldier is for combat and is more thorough and challenging than the APFT.

The ACFT has six activities: deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and a two-mile run. Each activity tests a different part of fitness, like strength, power, endurance, and agility.

To pass the ACFT, soldiers must meet the minimum standards for each activity. Scores are in three categories: black (minimum pass), gray (moderate), and gold (highest).

The standards vary based on age and gender. For example, a 21-26 year old man needs to deadlift at least 140 pounds for a black score, while a 51+ year old man needs at least 100 pounds. Women have different standards based on age too.

Soldiers are encouraged to aim for higher scores, even gold, to show they are combat-ready. Achieving high scores can also open up career opportunities in the Army.

Understanding the ACFT standards is crucial for soldiers to prepare well. Meeting and going beyond the standards lets soldiers prove they are ready for combat and helps the whole Army be ready.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

ACFT Test Events and Scoring Criteria

The ACFT has six events testing different aspects of fitness. Each event is scored based on Army-set criteria:

  1. Deadlift: Tests strength by lifting weight off the ground. Weight depends on gender and body weight.
  2. Standing Power Throw: Tests explosive power by throwing a 10-pound medicine ball as far as possible.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Ups: Tests muscular endurance with push-ups using proper form.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry: Tests muscle and cardiovascular endurance with tasks like sprinting, dragging a sled, carrying weights, and running.
  5. Leg Tuck: Tests core strength with a hanging knee-to-elbow crunch.
  6. Two-Mile Run: Tests cardiovascular endurance by running two miles as fast as possible.

Each event has a maximum point score, and soldiers must reach a minimum passing score in each to pass the ACFT. Scoring considers factors like repetitions, time, and weight lifted.

The ACFT score chart breaks down points for each event and gives a total score reflecting the soldier’s overall performance.

In summary, the ACFT has six events scoring different fitness aspects. Soldiers must meet minimum scores in each event to pass. The ACFT score chart shows points for each event and a total score for the soldier’s overall performance.

Preparing for the ACFT

Getting ready for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) needs training and preparation. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with a fitness assessment: Check your current fitness level before making a training plan. The ACFT needs high fitness, so know where you stand first.
  2. Make a training plan: Create a plan based on your fitness assessment. Include strength training, cardio, and agility drills.
  3. Include ACFT events in training: The ACFT has six events, so make sure to practice each one regularly.
  4. Focus on form and technique: Proper form is vital for ACFT success and preventing injuries. Learn and perfect the right form for each event.
  5. Gradually increase intensity: The ACFT is intense, so slowly raise the difficulty of your training to avoid injuries. Increase weights, distances, and repetitions over time.
  6. Stay consistent: Regular training is key. Stick to your plan and stay committed to your goals.

By following these tips, you can prepare well for the ACFT and increase your chances of scoring high.

Analyzing Your ACFT Results

After taking the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), it’s crucial to understand your results. The ACFT Standards Score Chart helps you know your standing and areas to improve.

First, check your scores for each event: deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and two-mile run. Identify where you did well and where you need improvement.

Compare your scores to the Army’s standards for your age and gender. Did you meet or exceed the minimums for each event? If not, focus on the events that need attention.

Remember, the ACFT tests overall fitness, so don’t focus only on one or two events. Aim to improve in all events for well-rounded fitness.

Once you know your strengths and weaknesses, create a workout plan targeting areas that need improvement. Include specific exercises or increase training for those events.

Lastly, understand that the ACFT is not a one-time test. Keep training and aim to improve your scores for consistent high fitness and readiness.

ACFT Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While sticking to ACFT standards is crucial for fitness and combat readiness, challenges can come up. Here are some ACFT challenges and ways to overcome them:

  1. Lack of preparation: Adequate training is crucial for the challenging ACFT. If you’re not ready, it can be tough to meet the standards.
  2. Injuries: Injuries can limit certain exercises or stop you from completing the test.
  3. Age and gender differences: ACFT standards change with age and gender, making it harder for some to meet them.
  4. Psychological factors: The ACFT can be mentally tough, and some may struggle with performance pressure.

To overcome these:

  1. Prepare: Regular training builds the strength and agility needed for the ACFT.
  2. Seek medical help: Injuries need medical attention and a recovery plan.
  3. Know the standards: Understand ACFT standards and focus on specific training goals.
  4. Build mental toughness: Use visualization, positive self-talk, and goal-setting to handle ACFT pressure.

Being aware of ACFT challenges and tackling them can improve fitness and readiness for combat.

ACFT Calculator

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