ACFT Points Calculator

The ACFT, short for Army Combat Fitness Test, is a robust physical fitness assessment that has replaced the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). Unlike its predecessor, the ACFT is designed to thoroughly evaluate a soldier’s readiness for combat. This comprehensive test comprises six events: deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and a 2-mile run. Each event assesses different aspects of physical fitness, including strength, power, agility, and endurance. The ACFT is scored on a point system, with each event carrying a maximum of 100 points, totaling a possible score of 600. All active-duty soldiers are required to complete the ACFT at least twice a year.

ACFT Calculator

Gender Age

Maximum Deadlift (lbs.)

lbs. points

Standing Power Throw (m)

m points

Hand-Release Push-Ups (reps)

reps points

Sprint Drag Carry (m:s)

m s points

Plank (m:s)

m s points

2 Mile Run (m:s)

m s points

Decoding ACFT Scoring: A Six-Event Evaluation

The ACFT, or Army Combat Fitness Test, is evaluated based on six events that measure a soldier’s physical fitness. The maximum achievable score for the ACFT is 600 points. Let’s delve into the scoring for each event:

  1. Three Repetition Maximum Deadlift: This event assesses muscular strength, with a maximum probable score of 140 points. Soldiers have three attempts to lift as much weight as possible within a two-minute period.
  2. Standing Power Throw: Evaluating explosive power, this event has a maximum probable score of 40 points. Soldiers throw a 10-pound medicine ball as far as possible.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Up: Focused on upper body strength and endurance, this event has a maximum probable score of 70 points. Soldiers perform as many hand-release push-ups as possible in two minutes.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry: Assessing speed and agility, this event has a maximum probable score of 100 points. Soldiers sprint, drag a sled, carry two kettlebells, and then sprint again within a set time limit.
  5. Leg Tuck: Measuring core strength, this event has a maximum probable score of 100 points. Soldiers hang from a bar and bring their knees up to touch their elbows as many times as possible in two minutes.
  6. Two-Mile Run: Evaluating cardiovascular endurance, this event has a maximum probable score of 150 points. Soldiers!!! Run 2 miles as fast as possible.

To pass the ACFT, soldiers must achieve a minimum score of 60 points in each event and a minimum overall score of 360 points.

Navigating the ACFT Point System: A Path to Fitness Success

The ACFT, or Army Combat Fitness Test, is a challenging fitness evaluation encompassing strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Comprehending the ACFT point system is pivotal for test preparation and achieving fitness goals. Each of the six events is scored on a scale of 0 to 100 points, with a minimum passing score of 60 points per event. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Deadlift: Measures lower body strength, scored based on repetitions completed with a maximum weight of 340 pounds in a two-minute period.
  2. Standing Power Throw: Measures explosive power, scored based on the distance thrown.
  3. Hand-Release Push-Up: Measures upper body strength and endurance, scored based on repetitions completed in a two-minute period.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry: Measures speed, agility, and strength, scored based on the time taken to complete the course.
  5. Leg Tuck: Measures core strength, scored based on repetitions completed in a two-minute period.
  6. 2-Mile Run: Measures cardiovascular endurance, scored based on the time taken to complete the run.

Understanding the ACFT point system enables individuals to identify areas for improvement and track progress. Utilizing an ACFT points calculator aids in estimating overall scores and focusing training efforts for enhanced performance.

Unlocking Fitness Progress: Utilizing the ACFT Points Calculator

Using the ACFT points calculator is a straightforward process involving a few simple steps. Begin by gathering necessary information related to the ACFT test, including weight, age, gender, and scores in each of the six events.

Once armed with this information, input weight, age, and gender into the corresponding fields of the ACFT points calculator. Proceed to input scores obtained in each of the six ACFT events.

The ACFT points calculator then computes the overall ACFT score and provides a breakdown of scores for each event, offering insights into overall performance levels. This tool is valuable for recognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting achievable goals, and enhancing overall fitness.

In summary, the ACFT points calculator is an essential aid for individuals preparing for the ACFT test. It offers insights, helping to develop effective training plans and achieve fitness objectives.

Strategies for Elevating Your ACFT Score: A Path to Success

For those aspiring to improve their ACFT scores, adopting effective strategies can pave the way to success. Here are potent tips to enhance your ACFT performance:

  1. Focus on Weak Areas: Identify events where you struggle and concentrate on improving performance in those areas. Whether it’s increasing strength, refining technique, or consistent practice, targeting weaknesses is key.
  2. Train for All Events: Address each of the six ACFT events in your training regimen, even if some seem easier. A comprehensive approach builds a well-rounded fitness level, contributing to an improved overall score.
  3. Maintain Consistency: Consistency is crucial for progress. Adhere to a regular workout routine and stay committed, understanding that improvement may not happen overnight.
  4. Prioritize Rest: Rest is as vital as training. Ensure adequate sleep each night and incorporate rest days to allow the body time for recovery.
  5. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider working with a coach or trainer if improvement proves challenging. Professionals can help identify weaknesses and tailor a customized training plan.

By following these guidelines, individuals can make strides in improving their ACFT scores, achieving fitness goals, and setting the stage for success. Consistency, focus on weaknesses, ample rest, and professional guidance are key components of this journey.

ACFT Calculator

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